perm filename DNDINS.DOC[AM,DBL] blob sn#410731 filedate 1979-01-16 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
To install DND on a DECSYSTEM-10 or DECSYSTEM-20 the following
modules must logically be on the following devices.

BASCOM	EXE    75  <055>   14-Dec-78	17H(143)-2	DSKB:[5,1]
BASCRF	EXE    70  <055>   14-Dec-78	17H(143)-2
BASERR	EXE    35  <055>   14-Dec-78	17H(143)-2
BASIC	EXE    70  <055>   14-Dec-78	17H(143)-2
BASXCT	EXE    85  <055>   14-Dec-78	17H(143)-2
BASDDT	EXE   125  <055>   14-Dec-78	17H(143)-2
  Total of 460 blocks in 6 files on DSKB: [5,1]
All of which reside on BAS: ([5,1]) at CMU.
If all you are interested in is running DND, then BASXCT and BASERR
are the only needed files. If one is interested in playing with
this extended BASIC, you may also want the documents:

BASIC	MEM   125  <055>    1-Apr-77	TEMP:[C425JL12]
BASNEW	DOC    15  <055>    9-Jan-79
  Grand total of 140 blocks in 2 files

That much is BASIC. The dungeon programs and data files must be
on device DND:, these are:

DND.SAV found in TEMP:DNDR.SAV[C425jl12]
DNDLVL.DAT[C425JL12] with write access.
	MASTER access to this program. It allows the data to be modified.
	There is, however, little or no documentation on how to use it.

The first time DND is run the user should have write access
to DND: and should create a character. The files
will be created by the program and should be protected so that
all dungeon players can access it.
This document is TEMP:DNDINS.DOC[C425JL12].

In the user's area, a file nnnDND.TMP is used and should be deleted
at the end of a game. BASIC cannot yet delete files, so you have
to do it yourself.

Until MAY 1981, problems and newer versions may be solved and
made available through me, LOMICKA@CMUA.

A note on terminal types. A fairly large number with their own
quirks are supported. If all else fails, use ASR33 or GDP modes.
The differences are in what is used for clearscreen, backspace,
and linefeed. VT52 uses escape sequences for cursor left and
cursor down. Many others feed a FF for clearscreen and let the
monitor do it. Most use the LF char for linefeed and ↑H for
backspace. Non-video type don't clear screen. INFOTONs backspace
on ↑Z.  If you need a specific type (and aren't happy with the
simple minded ASR or GDP) then I will add it. This is a simple